LRO Mini-RF Packetized Data Product (PDR)

PDR – Packetized Data Product

Instrument: Mini-Radio Frequency


For more information about PDR products, see the Mini-RF Data Product SIS.

For more information about Mini-RF products, see the Mini-RF Archive Volume SIS.

The Mini-RF (MRFLRO) Packetized Data Product (PDR) is in the form of raw binary telemetry in Consultative Committee for Space Data systems (CCSDS) packet format, which have been extracted from frames downlinked from the instrument. PDRs have duplications removed and include any ancillary information need to understand what is in a given packet. They are retained so that future researchers can reproduce the higher-level products if they so desire. These data will not be reformatted or processed further and are delivered to the PDS with detached minimal PDS labels. Because the higher-level products can be reprocessed as often as desired, there may be a one-to-many relationship for a raw data product to a processed data product.

The formats of these packets are identical, but their contents differ. Each of these packets is composed of five segments: the CCSDS Primary Header which contains packet identification information, the CCSDS Secondary Header which contains the packet time stamp, the Science Header which contains associated metadata, the Science Data which contains the data samples, and a trailer (“Other Data”) which contains transmission information. Byte values are 8 bits long, Integer values are 32 bits long, short (integers) are 16 bits long, and floating point values are 32-bit IEEE numbers. These data only are provided in big-endian format.

The science data are time-ordered and consist of Vertical (V) or Horizontal (H) polarization channel samples contained within a pulse. The packets will contain either H or V channel data, never both in the same packet. The “V/H Channel Indicator” flag in the Science Header indicates if the data are H or V channel. Data gaps in the derived products or breaks in the sequence count field in the primary CCSDS packet header would indicate missing packets.

MRFLRO PDR products have the following file names: (with one detached PDS label for the two data files and one detached PDS label for the housekeeping product)



f = frequency band

S = S-band

X = X-band

m = radar mode

B = Baseline SAR

Z = Zoom

nnnnn = orbit number

R = raw data

tt = product type

PD = packetized data records

HK = instrument housekeeping data

X = N/A (for Raw, Level 1, Housekeeping, cal, etc.)

r = pixel resolution bin scale in pixels per degree (ppd)

G = 64

H = 128

I = 256

K = 1024

B = data type of bytes

aa = lunar latitude of the center of the bistatic image, range 0 to 90 degrees

h = hemisphere of the latitude, N for northern latitude or S for southern latitude

ddd = lunar longitude of the center of the bistatic image, range 0 to 359 degrees

z = product version number

xxx = file extension

DAT = unformatted binary data (e.g., raw files)

TXT = unstructured text data (e.g., parameter files)

CSV = Comma Separated Value text files (housekeeping)

In ODE, PDR products have the following product IDs: