ODE: Moon

Mission: Clementine

Search Clementine UVVIS camera data in Lunar ODE: Product SearchMap Search

The Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) camera (Kordas et al., 1995; Malaret et al., 1998; Jolliff, 1999; Gaddis et al., 2000) had a catadioptric telescope with fused silica lenses focused onto a metachrome-coated charge-couple-device (CCD) imager. Active wavelength response was limited on the short wavelength end by the transmission of fused silica and the optical blur of the lens. Wavelength response on the long end was limited by the response of the CCD. The camera had a filter wheel with six filters allowing observations at the 415, 750, 900, 950, 1000 nm, and a broad band between 400 to 950 nm wavelengths.

The UVVIS imaging instrument was primarily used to support lunar mineral mapping investigations. Pole-to-pole nadir observations with solar phase angles kept to less than 30 degrees at mid-latitudes were the predominant viewing conditions during the two month systematic mapping phase of the mission.

ODE supports the search, retrieval, and download of UVVIS Experiment Data Record (EDR) products, and two additional data sets: the Clementine Basemap Mosaic and the Clementine UVVIS Digital Image Model (DIM) Mosaic. More information about UVVIS products can be found in: