MESSENGER RSS Compressed Version of TNF (ODF4)
ODF4 – PDS4 Compressed version of TNF
Instrument: MESSENGER Radio Science Experiment
PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:mess-rs-rawDOI: 10.17189/tcy9-gv38
For more information about RSS ODF4 Products, see the Raw Data Archive SIS.
The Radio Science Subsystem (RSS) Orbit Data File (ODF4) is a compressed version of the Tracking and Navigation File (TNF4). It contains the most important information (range, Doppler and frequency ramps) needed by spacecraft navigators and investigators interested in determining gravity fields. Each ODF4 is accompanied by a full PDS label which describes both the content and format of the associated file.
ODF4 data fields include:
Narrowband spacecraft Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI), Doppler mode (cycles)
Narrowband spacecraft VLBI, phase mode (cycles)
Narrowband quasar VLBI, Doppler mode (cycles)
Narrowband quasar VLBI, phase mode (cycles)
Wideband spacecraft VLBI (nanoseconds)
Wideband quasar VLBI (nanoseconds)
One-way Doppler (Hertz)
Two-way Doppler (Hertz)
Three-way Doppler (Hertz)
One-way total count phase (cycles)
Two-way total count phase (cycles)
Three-way total count phase (cycles)
Planetary Radioastronomy (PRA) planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range units)
Solar Radioastronomy (SRA) planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range units)
RE(GSTDN) range (nanoseconds)
Azimuth angle (degrees)
Elevation angle (degrees)
Hour angle (degrees)
Declination angle (degrees)
RSS ODF4 products have one of the following names:
yy = the data start year
ddd = start time day of year
eee = stop time day of year
tts = an optional component of the file name which gives the integration time (seconds) per data point; when the [_tts] component is absent, the integration period is 60 seconds; nearly all files have integration periods of 10 seconds or 60 seconds; during some of the early flybys, some files have 1 second integration periods; there are no ODFs with integration periods less than 1 second
xxx = file extension
DAT = binary table data file
XML = detached PDS label file
Some ODF file names do not follow these naming conventions. Primarily around flyby events, there are additional data collected (additional antennas and receivers) which require additional terms in the name. Other formats include: (replaces stop day with start hour and minute) (where nn is the Deep Space Network station number and x is the receiver number)
Occasionally, additional characters indicating time [hhmm] or “NAV” may be included in the filenames to indicated a special collect.
In ODE, ODF4 products typically have the following product IDs: