ODE: Mars

Mission: ESA's MEX

PDS Geosciences Node: PDS Source Information and Archive

Find Mars Express OMEGA data in Mars ODE: Product SearchMap Search

The Mars Express Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité (OMEGA) visible and infrared mineralogical mapping spectrometer will map the Martian surface with an IFOV of 1.2 mrad (4.1 arc minutes), and acquire for each resolved pixel the spectrum from 0.36 to 5.2 μm in 352 contiguous spectral channels (spectels) in the nominal mode.

OMEGA Products:



Data Set


Experiment Data Record - Please see the OMEGA Experiment Archive Interface Control Document and other documents for more information.

MEX-M-OMEGA-2-EDR-FLIGHT-V1.0 (Nominal Mission)

MEX-M-OMEGA-2-EDR-FLIGHT-EXT-V1.0 (Extended Mission 1)

MEX-M-OMEGA-2-EDR-FLIGHT-EXT2-V1.0 (Extended Mission 2)

MEX-M-OMEGA-2-EDR-FLIGHT-EXT3-V1.0 (Extended Mission 3)

MEX-M-OMEGA-2-EDR-FLIGHT-EXT4-V1.0 (Extended Mission 4)

MEX-M-OMEGA-2-EDR-FLIGHT-EXT5-V1.0 (Extended Mission 5)


Set of global maps derived from EDRs. Please see the OMEGA Experiment Archive Interface Control Document and other documents for more information.


A note on OMEGA data products. OMEGA data products have a Product ID of the form ORBXXXX_Y_DATA where XXXX is the orbit number and Y is an increment per orbit. Each OMEGA data product has a corresponding geometry product with a Product ID of ORBXXXX_Y_GEOM. OMEGA data products are stored in directories under DATA as ORBZZ where ZZ is the first two digits of the orbit number. The corresponding geometry files are stored in directories under DATA as GEMZZ where ZZ is the first two digits of the orbit number. An example is:

  • mex-m-omega-2-edr-flight-v1\mexomg-0001\data\orb18\orb1801_0.qub

  • mex-m-omega-2-edr-flight-v1\mexomg-0001\data\gem18\gem1801_0.nav

With this Product ID scheme, any search made with ODE will return a list of products generated during orbit that alternate between data products and geometry products making finding a data product’s corresponding geometry product very easy. You can also look at the “Related Products” tab of the products detail page. For the data products, the drop down “Related & Source Products” will show the related geometry product. For the geometry products, the drop down “Related & Derived Products” will show the related data product.