MEX HRSC Version 3 Map-Projected Reduced Data Record (REFDR3)

REFDR3 – Version 3 Map-Projected Reduced Data Record

Instrument: High Resolution Stereo Camera

PDS Data Set ID: MEX-M-HRSC-5-REFDR-MAPPROJECTED-V3.0DOI: 10.5270/esa-pm8ptbq

For more information about HRSC REFDR3 products, see the REFDR3 Product EAICD.

The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) Version 3 Map-Projected Reduced Data Record (REFDR3) data products are standard IMAGE objects derived from the RDRV3 data products. Version 3 products were produced after an improved radiometric calibration. REFDR3 products are also produced in JPEG 2000 format in addition to the typical IMG format.

REFDR3 data products are processed by software which performs the following steps:

  • Remove all transmission headers to get the original camera data

  • Sort camera data by sensor and combine them with the housekeeping data

  • Decompress the data

  • Radiometric calibration of the data

  • Calculate footprints of every image file

  • Geometric calibration and map projection

HRSC REFDR3 products have the following file names:

Hnnnn_mmm_dd3.IMG (with attached PDS label)

Hnnnn_mmm_dd3.JP2 (with detached PDS label)


nnnn = 4-digit orbit number

mmm = number of the image in this orbit

dd = sensor name

ND = nadir

BL = blue

GR = green

IR = near IR

RE = red

SR = super resolution

3 = indicates the level of processing which is archived in PSA/PDS.

In ODE, REFDR3 products have the following Product IDs: