Forgot Password

If a user forgets their password, click the "Forgot password" button from the Sign In page.

A message will confirm that an email has been sent to the user, which includes a link to reset the password.

The email's reset password link will only be valid for 20 minutes. Don't forget to check the spam folder of an email application if the email is not received after a couple of minutes. If the password is found and the link is not needed, the email can be ignored. If more than 20 minutes passes, another request will need to be made using the "Forgot password" button to reset the password.

The reset password link will take the user to a page very similar to the create account page.

Enter the new desired password and the CAPTCHA string. Then click the "Set new password" button. Once this operation completes, a confirmation page will be displayed.

The "Continue" button will return the user to the ODE home page. The user is now logged in using the new password.