Creating An Account

Creating an account is quick and simple!

At the top of the ODE banner, an icon exists that shows that the user is not logged in.

Clicking on that icon will confirm you are an anonymous user and provide options for sign in, creating an account or this help. Here is the menu displayed to anonymous users:

Click on the "Create an account" link, which directs the browser to a page for creating the account.

Enter your preferred email address, password, and the displayed "CAPTCHA" text. If it is not legible, click the refresh button to the right of the captcha. Sometimes the "CAPTCHA" text can be difficult to read.

After populating these fields, click the "Create account" button.

Upon successful creation of the account, a confirmation message will be displayed and a corresponding email will be sent.

That's it! Now upon navigating to other pages of the website, you will see the logged in menu is populated. In addition, the option to bookmark product detail pages and search result lists will be provided.