Search Results List Page
The product search results page is actually two frames: the product search result and a product details page. You may expand or contract the products search results portion to allow you to see more of the details page by clicking on the center vertical bar between the two.
The product search results page show a list of products found from a products search query or an MRO coordinated observation query.
Page Components
Back To Search – This button will return the user to the Product Search Page (NOTE: this button will only show up if you came from a products search page)
Back to Coord Obs – This button will display if the user arrived on the page from the coordinated observation search results list page. This button will return the user to the coordinated observation search results list page. (NOTE: this button will only show up if you came from a MRO Coordinated Obs page)
View on Map - this button will display the map projected products from the search results list on the Map Search page.
Output Results – this button will generate a report listing all the products and allow the user to save this report.
Display Product Thumbnails – this checkbox will display or hide the thumbnail column of the results list table.
Update Cart – this button is used to add or remove products check marked in the table list from the user cart. The products will be added to the cart if they are checked, but not already in the user cart. If the products are already in the user cart and the check box is deselected, then the deselected products will be removed from the cart when the "Update Cart" button is clicked.
Add All Results to Cart - this button will add all the search results to the user cart. The option is available if the search returns 500 or fewer products. To remove these products, the user will need to either empty the cart from the cart download page or "page" through each search results page and remove the products from the cart using the "Update Cart" button on a per page basis.
Search Result Notes
Applicable PDS product specific notes will be displayed if the search results include corresponding product types. Currently, two notes exist in the system.
The CTX note refers to MRO CTX EDR products that are accessible through the Mars ODE website. The product detail page for these products includes direct links to processed versions from ASU Mars Space Flight Facility's Mars Image Explorer. Additionally, if the EDR version is added to the cart, the processed versions can be selected during the cart checkout process. The original EDR product versions can be omitted from the request at that time.
The CRISM TRDR note applies to CRISM TRDR and DDR products that are available through the Mars ODE website. CRISM TRDR products have a corresponding DDR product. The DDRs can be added to the cart at checkout (assuming the TRDR has been added to the cart). Also, the DDR can be acquired from the TRDR's product detail page under "Related Products".
Email if there are any questions.
Search Results Table
The table lists 100 products per page. If more than 100 products match the search criteria, then use the paging feature at the top of the table to navigate to subsequent pages or return to the search page and modify the search criteria. The table can be sorted by clicking on the column headings. The sort can be reverse by clicking on the column again.
Search results List Columns:
Instrument– displays the mission and instrument name
Type - displays the product type
Thumbnail Column – displays the product thumbnail if the display product thumbnails check box is selected and there is a thumbnail associated with the product
Product ID - displays the PDS Product ID - click on the Product ID hyper link to display a product’s detail in the window on the right side of the page.
Observation Time – displays the product observation time
Selection Check Box – the selection box is used to highlight products to be added or removed from the user cart
In Cart – the last column will display In Cart if the product is in the user cart.