LRO LOLA Digital Elevation Model Coregistered with Selene Data (SLDEM)

SLDEM – Digital Elevation Model Coregistered with SELENE Data

Instrument: Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

PDS Data Set ID: LRO-L-LOLA-4-GDR-V1.0 DOI: 10.17189/1520642Citations of DOI: 10.17189/1520642

PDS4 Bundle:urn:nasa:pds:lro_lola_rdrDOI: 10.17189/tnyt-7007

For more information about LOLA SLDEM products, see the SLDEM Data Set Description or Barker et al. 2015 (doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.07.039)

For more information about the LOLA PDS3 volume, see the LOLA Archive Volume SIS.

The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) data and Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE or Kaguya, operated by the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency) data have been combined to generate the SLDEM digital elevation models. The data consist of 43,200 DEMs from SELENE and 4.5 billion surface heights from LOLA. This combination produces a near-global lunar DEM with effective resolution of ~60 m at the equator. The SLDEM has a typical vertical accuracy of ~3 to 4 m.

The data are given in both PDS floating-point image (IMG) and JPEG-2000 (JP2) formats. Data in the GLOBAL subdirectory cover +/- 60 degrees in latitude and 360 degrees in longitude. Resolutions are at 128 and 256 pixels per degree. Files in the TILES subdirectory contain the 512 pixels per degree product in the form of tiles that are 30 degrees in latitude and 45 degrees in longitude.

The global LOLA SLDEM images are named:

LOLA SLDEM floating point image tiles have the following file names:

SLDEM2015_ppp_nnnd_sssd_mmm_ooo_FLOAT.IMG (with detached PDS label)


ppp = number of pixels per degree (256 or 512)

nnn = northernmost latitude of the tile

d = direction of the northernmost latitude

N = north

S = south

sss = southernmost latitude of the tile

d = direction of the southernmost latitude

N = north

S = south

mmm = minimum longitude of the tile

ooo = maximum longitude of the tile

LOLA SLDEM JPEG2000 tiles have the following file names:

SLDEM2015_ppp_nnnd_sssd_mmm_ooo.JP2 (with detached PDS label with additional "_JP2" suffix)


ppp = number of pixels per degree (256 or 512)

nnn = northernmost latitude of the tile

d = direction of the northernmost latitude

N = north

S = south

sss = southernmost latitude of the tile

d = direction of the southernmost latitude

N = north

S = south

mmm = minimum longitude of the tile

ooo = maximum longitude of the tile

In ODE, SLDEM products have one of the following product IDs: