LRO LOLA Gridded Data Record Sky Visibility (GDRSKY)

GDRSKY – Gridded Data Record Sky Visibility

Instrument: Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

PDS Data Set ID: LRO-L-LOLA-4-GDR-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520642Citations of DOI: 10.17189/1520642

For more information about LOLA calibrated and derived products, see the RDR Product SIS.

For more information about the LOLA PDS3 volume, see the LOLA Archive Volume SIS.

The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Gridded Data Record Sky Visibility (GDRSKY) data product is a map of the solid angle of the sky as visible from the lunar surface. It can be useful for the calibration of lunar flux calculations, such as incoming cosmic rays or projectiles.

Maps are distributed in polar stereographic projection, with a map resolution at the pole of 240 m/pix. The maps in the 2011 directory extend to +/- 264 km in both directions, which corresponds to complete coverage from ~81.3 degrees to the poles, and partial coverage down to ~77.7 degrees. The maps in the 2014 directory extend to +/- 770 km in both directions, which corresponds to complete coverage from 65 degrees to the poles, and partial coverage down to ~55.2 degrees.

The value is scaled and offset.

Value = DN * SCALING_FACTOR + OFFSET. (DN = Digital Number)

LOLA GDRSKY products have the following file names:



nn = degrees of complete coverage

81 = 2011 products

65 = 2014 products

p = pole

N = north polar region

S = south polar region

xxx = file type/extension

.IMG = image file

.LBL = detached PDS label

.JP2 = JPEG2000 file

_JP2.LBL = detached PDS label

In ODE, GDRSKY products have the following product IDs: