CLEM HiRes High-Resolution Mosaic (MDIM)

MDIM – High-Resolution Mosaic

Instrument: High-resolution Camera

PDS Data Set ID: CLEM1-L-H-5-DIM-MOSAIC-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520340

For more information about HiRes MDIM products, see the Data Set Catalog File or Volume Information File.

The LIDAR High-resolution camera (HiRes) High Resolution Mosaic (MDIM) data products are each a portion of the Clementine HiRes Lunar Mosaic, a geometrically controlled, calibrated mosaic compiled from non-uniformity corrected, 750 nm (‘D’) filter high resolution observations. These mosaics cover sub-polar regions between 80 degrees South and 80 degrees North with sinusoidal equal area mapping at 20 m/pixel, and the polar regions about 80 degrees with a stereographic mapping at 30 m/pixel resolution at the poles. The mosaics are divided into tiles that cover approximately 1.75 degrees of latitude and span the longitude range of the mosaicked frame. Images from a given orbit are map-projected using the orbit’s nominal central latitude.

The geometric control is provided by the 100 m/pixel USGS Clementine Basemap Mosaic (MDIMG) compiled from the 750 nm Ultraviolet/Visible (UVVIS) Clementine imaging system and, for the polar mosaics, from the 150 m/pixel polar basemap mosaic.

Calibration was achieved by removing image non-uniformity largely due to the HIRES system’s light intensifier. Also provided are offset and scale factors which transform the 8-bit HIRES data to approximate photometric units, achieved by a fit of the HIRES data to the corresponding UVVIS basemap, which is photometrically calibrated.

MDIM processing comprised 5 steps:

  1. Image calibration, map project and basemap generation

  2. Low-resolution registration against the UVVIS basemap

  3. High-resolution registration against overlapping images

  4. Constrained placement combining high- and low-resolution registrations

  5. HIRES mosaic and photometric calibration estimation

HiRes MDIM products have the following file names:



nn = 2-digit center latitude

e = latitudinal direction

N = north

S = south

mmmm = projection center longitude*10

In ODE, MDIM products have the following product IDs: