What is a Product LID?

This is a PDS4 feature. To keep the PDS4 data archive organized, every product is assigned a unique identifier. This Logical Identifier (LID) is not only unique to your archive but is unique through all PDS.

LID Format



LIDS are constructed by concatenating fields of characters. The fields are separated by colons.

  • LIDs are restricted to lower-case letters, digits, the dash, the period, and the underscore.

  • Bundle LIDs are constructed by appending a unique bundle-specific identifier to the agency identifier, such as urn:nasa:pds.

    Bundle LID = urn:nasa:pds:<bundle_id>

    Since all PDS bundle LIDs are constructed this way, the bundle LID will be globally unique.

  • Collection LIDs are constructed by appending a unique collection identifier to the parent bundle’s LID, for example:

    Collection LID = urn:nasa:pds:<bundle_id>:<collection_id>

    Since all PDS collection LIDs are constructed in this way and the collection identifier is unique within the bundle, the collection LID will be globally unique.

  • Basic Product LIDs are constructed by appending a unique product identifier to the parent collection’s LID.

    Product LID = urn:nasa:pds:<bundle_id>:<collection_id>:<product_id>

    Since the product LID is based on the collection LID, which is unique across PDS, the product LID will be globally unique.

Source of information from PDS4 Standards.