WEA4 – PDS4 DSN Weather Record

Instrument: MESSENGER Radio Science Experiment

PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:mess-rs-rawDOI: 10.17189/tcy9-gv38

For more information about RSS WEA4 products, see the WEA Product SIS.

The Radio Science Subsystem (RSS) Deep Space Network (DSN) Weather Record (WEA4) files are TRK-2-24 Weather files. They give information about the weather conditions at a given Deep Space Communications Complex (DSCC). They are recorded at a one-minute rate and thinned to a sampling interval determined by the user accuracy requirements. There will be one file per weather station at each complex for each delivery interval.

RSS WEA4 products have the following file names:

MESS_RS_yyyyddd_eee_tt_WEA.TAB (with detached PDS label)


RS = Radio Science Subsystem

yyyy = the WEA data start year

ddd = the start day of year

eee = the stop day of year

tt = DSCC number, the identifier for the DSN complex where the WEA data were collected (10, 40, or 60)

10 = Goldstone

40 = Canberra

60 = Madrid

WEA = the product type is DSN Weather file

In ODE, WEA4 products have the following product IDs:
