MESSENGER RSS Radio Science Receiver Record (RSR4)
RSR4 – PDS4 Radio Science Receiver Record
Instrument: MESSENGER Radio Science Experiment
PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:mess-rs-rawDOI: 10.17189/tcy9-gv38
For more information about RSS RSR4 Products, see the Raw Data Archive SIS.
The Radio Science Subsystem (RSS) Radio Science Receiver Record (RSR4) data products contain samples of open loop receiver output; the samples are complex and can have 1-16 bits in both the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components, depending on sampling rate and precision requested. Sampling rates between 1 ksps and 16 Msps may be requested. Each RSR4 file is accompanied by a full PDS label which describes both the format and the content at the bit level.
RSS RSR4 products have the following file names:
MESS_RS_yyyydddhhmm_ccc_RSR.DAT (with detached PDS label)
MESS = mission = MESSENGER
RS = instrument = Radio Science Subsystem
yyyyddhhmm = start time year, day of year, hour, and minutes of the data
ccc = RSR identifier and subchannel. During MESSENGER, each DSN complex had at least four RSRs, each with multiple subchannels, allowing a wide choice of frequency bands, sample rates, and sample resolutions.
RSR = product type = Radio Science Receiver Record
There is one file which has been renamed to not conflict with the original product:
In ODE, RSR4 products have the following product IDs: