Neutron Spectrometer (NS) Derived product types

Instrument: MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer

PDS4 Bundle (Calibrated and Derived): urn:nasa:pds:mess_ns_derivedDOI: 10.17189/1518581

MESSENGER PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Status: Complete

For more information about NS calibrated products, see the Product SIS.

Note: The product SIS was created for PDS3, but it is still applicable to the data after the PDS4 migration.

The MESSENGER NS derived product collection consists of calibrated NS data that have been selected to eliminate times where the background due to solar particle events is too high. Data have been corrected for gain variations. In addition, products contain spacecraft navigation and attitude data derived from SPICE files, as well as selected engineering data relevant to the NS. A single product typically contains data collected over one Earth day. A description of each product type is given in the table below. Code refers to the product type abbreviation used in the file name.


Product Type


Storage Format


Neutron Count Rate

The data type contains net (background subtracted) neutron count rates from the LG1, LG2, and BP sensors and uncertainties from each of these detectors.



Relative Neutron Count Rate

This product contains latitude-binned fast and epithermal count rates, along with simulated count rates for the cases with no hydrogen and with a thick layer of 100 weight percent water ice in all radar bright regions.


NS Derived NCR products have the following file names:


zzz = Product Type (Code)

yyyy = 4-digit year corresponding to the start time of the first record in the data table

ddd = 3-digit day of year corresponding to the start time of the first record in the data table

www = reserved 3-character string to use during the course of the mission as necessary to identify “special” data products; nominal data products will be identified with “ZZZ”

xxx = File extension:

dat = Binary data file

tab = ASCII data file