ODE Supported Existing and Proposed Landing Sites
PDS and Non-PDS data in the ODE site have been flagged if they intersect the proposed MSL landing sites and the existing landing sites listed below. Select one or more sites to filter products of the selected data sets by this affiliation.
Existing Landing Sites
Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit Landing Site
Doppler Measurement (Radiometric Solution)
14.571892° S
175.47848° E
Cartographic Triangulation
14.5692° S
175.4729° E
Reference: Arvidson, R.E., et al., Localization and physical properties experiments conducted by Spirit at Gusev Crater, Science, v. 305, no. 5685, p. 821-824, 2004.
Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity Landing Site
Doppler Measurement (Radiometric Solution)
1.9483° S
354.47417° E
Cartographic Triangulation
1.9462° S
354.4734° E
Reference: Arvidson, R.E., et al., Localization and physical property experiments conducted by Opportunity at Meridiani Planum, Science, v. 306, no. 5702, p. 1730-1733, 2004.
Phoenix Landing Site
68.22° N
234.25° E
Reference: Smith, P.H., et al., H2O at the Phoenix Landing Site, Science, v. 325, no. 5936, p. 58-61, 2009.
Pathfinder Landing Site
19.095° N
326.747° E
Reference: Folkner, W.M., et al., Interior Structure and Seasonal Mass Redistribution of Mars from Radio Tracking of Mars Pathfinder, Science, v. 278, no. 5344, p. 1749-1752, 1997.
Viking Lander 1 Landing Site
22.269° N
312.049° E
Reference: Folkner, W.M., et al., Interior Structure and Seasonal Mass Redistribution of Mars from Radio Tracking of Mars Pathfinder, Science, v. 278, no. 5344, p. 1749-1752, 1997.
Viking Lander 2 Landing Site
47.668° N
134.280° E
Reference: Folkner, W.M., et al., Interior Structure and Seasonal Mass Redistribution of Mars from Radio Tracking of Mars Pathfinder, Science, v. 278, no. 5344, p. 1749-1752, 1997.
MSL Gale Landing Site
4.59° S
137.44° E
Reference: Seelos, K. D., et al., Mineralogy of the MSL Curiosity landing site in Gale crater as observed by MRO/CRISM, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060310, 2014.
MSL Candidate Landing Sites
The MSL coordinates pre-landing can be found at paper "Golombek, et al., 2011, Final Four Landing Sites for the Mars Science Laboratory, 42nd LPSC, 2011, Abstract #1520" (https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2011/pdf/1520.pdf).
Eberswalde Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site
23.8953° S
326.7426° E
Gale Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site (Selected Landing Site)
4.4868° S
137.4239° E
Holden Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site
26.4007° S
325.1615° E
Mawrth Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site
23.9883° N
341.0399° E
Some MSL coordinates used before could be found at the paper "Golombek et al., 2009, Selection of Four Landing Sites for the Mars Science Laboratory, LPSC XL, 2009, Abstract #1404." (https://marsoweb.nas.nasa.gov/landingsites/msl2009/memoranda/MSL_Site_Selection_March2009.pdf).
Eberswalde Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site
23.86° S
326.73° E
Gale Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site (Selected Landing Site)
4.49° S
137.42° E
Holden Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site
26.37° S
325.10° E
Mawrth Candidate MSL Candidate Landing Site
24.01° N
341.03° E