Product Detail Page

[reached from web help main page, product result lists help, and product detail help icon]

This page allows you to view all of the detail of a product through ODE. The Product ID is listed at the top of the page, as well as links to the product type details (product SIS) and the product archive details (product archive SIS). The page contains a total of 4 information tabs: Browse, Meta Data, Label, and Related Products. The related products tab is only shown if there are related products available.


Browse Tab

This tab displays the basic and most common information that a user will immediately wish to view. If a browse image of the product is available, then it will be displayed near the top of the tab. If a product browse image is greater than 475 pixels by 475 pixels, then a zoom/pan image may be displayed. The zoom/pan image requires Flash to be installed on the user’s browser. If no zoom/pan image is available, then a standard browse image will be displayed.

This tab will also display a notice if the current product is in the user cart. If it is in the cart, a box will show “This product is in your cart” and the “Add Product to Cart” button will be disabled. Use the “Add Product to Cart” and “Remove Product from Cart” to add and remove specific products from the cart.


If ODE has cataloged an instrument team or external host page for the product you are viewing it will be listed.


Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in Option – New Option

Aspera is a high speed data transfer software tool. Aspera provides a free web browser plug-in that can be used to facilitate high-speed downloads from the PDS Geosciences Node’s Aspera Connect Server. This new option of the ODE product detail page allows users to download all the product and derived files of the currently displayed PDS products with one click. Files will be transfered much faster than through traditional HTTP and FTP methods. The functionality is only available for data products hosted by the PDS Geosciences Node. The option will not be displayed for products hosted outside the PDS Geosciences Node. Users are encouraged to continue to use the ODE download cart for retrieving PDS data product files. The Aspera Connect browser plug-in is now available for use when downloading fulfilled ODE cart requests.


The plug-in is compatible with most operating systems and web browsers (see the following list).

Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in System Requirements

  • Windows 7, 8, 10, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2

  • OS X 10.6+, Intel Only

  • Ubuntu 8.04+, RHEL/Centos 6.0+, Debian 6.0+

  • Firefox 27+, Google Chrome 32+, Safari 6+

Local Aspera Connect Optimization settings <-- Use this link if you are experiencing failed downloads with Aspera Connect (local client)

Notes: Microsoft Edge has a problem launching the Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in. We will post a workaround when one is posted on the Aspera support site.

The browser plug-in will not start on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, unless the following work around is applied:

Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in Installation

[NOTE: Installing the Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in may require the browser to be closed and opened again. Please bookmark any necessary pages before installing the browser plug-in.]

Clicking the “Download All Product & Derived Files with Aspera” will attempt to launch the Aspera Connect web browser plug-in. If the latest version is not installed or is out of date on your machine, you will be prompted to approve the installation.You will be prompted with a screen containing the steps to install or upgrade IBM Aspera Connect. Follow the prompts. If the add-on is required for your browser, click the highlighted "Install add-on" button.

See the following installation steps:

Click the highlighted "Install add-on" button.

In Firefox, the browser Add-on options will open. Click the "Add to Firefox", so it will allow the plug-in. Other browsers will have a similar step.

You will then need to click the "add" button when asked to give IBM Aspera Connect permissions on your browser.

We recommend that you also allow the extension to run in Private Windows.

After the previous steps are complete, you can close the browser tab containing the Add-ons.

The next step is to download the IBM Aspera Connect Application. Click the "Download the App" button and click "Save File" when prompted with the file.

After the file has downloaded, click the browser download icon (1). Then click or double click on the exe file name to start the application installation.

When prompted to run the file, confirm by clicking "Run".

Confirm the installation by clicking the "Start" button. Then the application will proceed to install the application. You will see various files flash by as they are installed.

Once the installation is complete, a confirmation will be displayed.

After closing the previous installation window with the "Close" button, you will return to the Required Steps window. Click the "Refresh" link on that window. If all went well, the window should close.

After the installation required steps window is gone, you are ready to click the "Download All Product & Derived Files with Aspera" button again.

Downloading Files with Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in

After the latest Aspera Connect browser plug-in has been installed, you are ready to download files. You may need to return to the desired product detail page and click the Download All Product & Derived Files with Aspera button again to download all of the products listed files.

The first time Aspera is used, a pop up will ask you to confirm the connection to, which is the Aspera server at the PDS Geosciences Node. Please click the "Allow" button.

On a Windows machine, the following Aspera Connect icon will be found in the tool bar tray. The icon can be clicked to open a detail window, which displays the specific download progress. The files are downloaded to your machine’s default download location. For example, on a Windows machine, your "downloads" directory.

As mentioned, after the installation or if the latest version is already on the machine, the application will launch and begin to download the files to the user’s default download directory. Files will be transferred much faster than through traditional HTTP and FTP methods. The product files will be grouped into a directory with the same name as the displayed Product ID. Reference files will be placed in a subdirectory named “reference_files”. Browse files will be saved to a subdirectory named “browse_files”. Derived files will be saved to a subdirectory named “derived_files”.

The user does not need to stay on the detail page until the download completes, but it is good practice, so the status can be confirmed if a connection interruption occurs. Once the download is complete, a message should be displayed indicating that the download is complete.

You can also confirm the download status by checking the local download directory or the Aspera Connect Transfers status through the previously mentioned icon .

Direct Product File Links

The next section on the browse tab displays the individual files that make up the PDS data product (PDS Product Files tab). This list can include label, format, product, and browse files. These links are used to directly download individual files. Any hyperlinks for files that are not hosted at the Geosciences will be identified with this icon: .


The Geosciences Node has created derived files for many PDS products in ODE. The “Derived Files” tab contains direct download links and file descriptions for any derived files that have been created for the current product.


MRO CTX Products

Additionally, links to processed versions of CTX products are available from the product detail page.The processed versions are available from ASU Mars Space Flight Facility's Mars Image Explorer. The same processed versions can be added to the cart request at checkout, if the corresponding CTX EDR is added to the cart. The original CTX EDR product versions can be omitted from the request at that time, if they are not desired.

The product summary table is a list of commonly requested data about the product. Fields that do not have values in the data product label are not displayed.


Meta Data Tab

This tab displays a more extensive list of product meta data that was extracted from data products and product labels. Fields that do not have values in the label are not displayed. Also, ODE processing notes are displayed at the bottom of the tab. The processing notes include information about when derived data was acquired.



Label Tab

This tab displays an extended label for the product, which includes embedded format files. This tab can be useful for looking up specific product information from the product label.


Related Products Tab

This tab will be a visible option if: the current product has source products available through ODE; was the source of other products available through ODE; is related to another product available through ODE through an instrument-specific relationship; or coordinated with other products available through ODE in an MRO Coordinated Observation.

Near the top of the page is a dropdown list that will display relationships that can be displayed for the current product:


ODE currently supports the following relationships:

Related and Source Products

This list is generated from two sources.  First, it includes products listed in this product’s SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID or ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID.  Second, it includes some instrument-specific products, which, while not a source for this product, are useful in using this product (See below).  Only products currently found in ODE will be displayed.

Related and Derived Products

This is the reverse of the “Related & Source Products” relationship.  This includes any products that list this product as a source product or list this product as an instrument-specific product (See below).  Only products currently found in ODE will be displayed.

Coordinated with the listed products

This list is generated using the MRO-specific coordinated observations.  Please see What are MRO Coordinated Observations? for more details.

In addition to the products found in a product’s SOUCE_PRODUCT_ID or ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID, there are some useful relationships that are not really source products but are included in the table for ease of use. Future releases of ODE may split these out to a new relationship category. Currently, there are three of these instrument-specific relationships:


CRISM TRDRs are related to DDR products.  Please see Tell me more about CRISM for more information and how to find these related products


OMEGA data products are related to geometry products.  Please see Tell me more about OMEGA for more details.


HiRISE Anaglyphs are generated from two red HiRISE RDR products. Please see Tell me more about HiRISE for more details.

The list below the drop down box displays a table with the related products in the same way as the product search results list, with the same functionality for adding or removing products from the download cart. One noteworthy difference is that clicking on a listed Product ID will open a new browser only displaying the one product detail.


Map Context Tab

This tab will be visible for products that are map projected. The tab displays a small window showing the product's footprint on the default basemap from the map search tab. The link "Click to view product footprint in a separate browser window" will display the same information, but in a full screen mode.
