MEX MARSIS Reduced Data Record – Subsurface Sounding (RDRSS)

RDRSS – Reduced Data Record – Subsurface Sounding

Instrument: Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding

PDS Data Set ID (Nominal Mission): MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-SS-V2.0

PDS Data Set ID (Extended Mission 1): MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-SS-EXT1-V1.0

PDS Data Set ID (Extended Mission 2): MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-SS-EXT2-V1.0

PDS Data Set ID (Extended Mission 3): MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-SS-EXT2-V1.0

PDS Data Set ID (Extended Mission 4): MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-SS-EXT4-V1.0

PDS Data Set ID (Extended Mission 5): MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-SS-EXT5-V1.0

DOI: Mars Express DOI Overview Page

For more information about MARSIS RDRSS products, see the Data Set Catalog File.

The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) Reduced Data Record – Subsurface Sounding (RDRSS) data products contain the data that have been calibrated, range-compressed, and corrected for ionosphere distortion to produce calibrated echoes of subsurface reflections: thus, they are the data set of choice for geological analysis of the structure and layering of the Martian subsurface.

Auxiliary information is not modified. Scientific data, however, are converted from 1-btye integer counts from the analogue-to-digital converter of the instrument to 4-byte real voltages, producing an increase of science data volume by a factor of four.

MARSIS data are organized into groups of echoes called frames. A frame contains one or more echoes, with or without on-board processing. Each echo, depending on the kind of processing it underwent, is recorded either as a time series of signal samples, or as the complex spectrum of the signal itself produced by means of an FFT. Scientific data in a frame are complemented by a set of ancillary data, produced by the instrument and recording parameter values used in pulse transmission, echo reception and on-board processing.

RDR data products

Product Type



Subsurface Sounding data that have been uncompressed, calibrated and range-processed, together with geometry information

*Where x stands for a number between 1 and 5.

MARSIS RDR products have the following file names:

R_<Orbit Number>_<Operative mode>_TRK_CMP_<Target>.DAT


Orbit Number = a five-digit number identifying an orbit according to rules defined by Mars Express mission control

Operative mode = SS1, SS2, SS3, SS4 or SS5

Target = the body observed by MARSIS

M = Mars

P = Phobos