LRO LOLA Roughness Map Extra – Median Absolute Slope (RMMAS)

RMMAS – Roughness Map Extra – Median Absolute Slope

Instrument: Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

PDS Data Set ID: LRO-L-LOLA-16-GDR-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520642Citations of DOI: 10.17189/1520642

For more information about LOLA calibrated and derived products, see the RDR Product SIS.

For more information about the LOLA PDS3 volume, see the LOLA Archive Volume SIS.

The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Roughness Map Extra – Median Absolute Slope (RMMAS) data product is a map of the median absolute (unsigned) slope in the along-track direction based on altimetry data acquired by the LOLA instrument. The point-to-point slopes are calculated along track at one of three baselines, 57 m, 225 m, and 450 m and binned in 0.25 degree overlapping windows, from which the median is reported. These values are then interpolated at a resolution of 16 pix/deg by 16 pix/deg and projected using a simple cylindrical projection with the Generic Mapping Tool’s programs ‘surface’ and ‘grdimage’. Map values are in units of degrees. The LOLA Laser 1 and 2 data through mission phase LRO_NO_13 are the source for this data set. The map is in the form of a binary table with one row for each 0.0625 degrees of latitude. The label describes an IMG file in the form of a binary resampling with pixel registration.

The LOLA RMMAS products have the following file names:


nnn = baseline length; 57, 225, or 450

xxx = file extension

IMG = image file

LBL = detached PDS label

JP2 = JPEG2000 file

_JP2.LBL = detached PDS label

In ODE, RMMAS products have the following product IDs: