What is ODE's relationship to Google Earth and what are KML.KMZ files?
Google Earth offers a convenient way to view product footprint data from ODE. ODE generates KML/KMZ files for both individual product footprints as well as entire data set / product type global coverages. KML/KMZ files are the standard Google Earth file formats.
To use ODE's product footprint and coverage files
Download and install Google Earth Pro on desktop on your computer. For detailed instructions on installing Google Earth, read the Google Earth User Guide.
Download the individual footprint or data set / product global coverage maps to your local machine. Individual product footprint files can be found under the product details page. Data set / product global coverage files can be found under the Tools tab. All the related files for each planet must be saved in the same folder.
For Mars and Lunar products, you can use the built-in Google Earth Mars and Moon tools:
1. Open Google Earth:
2. Switch to Google Mars or Google Moon – Use the small planet icon at the top of the map:
For Mercury, you will probably want to change the planet's base maps:
Download the following KML file and jpg images to your local machine and save the files in the same folder.
Open Google Earth
Unchecked any selected layers under the Primary Database layer under the Layers sub panel (bottom left)
Open the Mercury base map you downloaded above by double clicking the file "Mercury_Basemap.KML" directly, or open through the file menu in Google Earth.
For Venus, you will probably want to change the planet's base maps:
Download the following KML file and jpg images to your local machine and save the files in the same folder.
Open Google Earth
Unchecked any selected layers under the Primary Database layer under the Layers sub panel (bottom left)
Open the Venus base map you downloaded above by double clicking the file "Venus_Basemap.KML" directly, or open through the file menu in Google Earth. You will find Venus Magellan C3 MIDR global mosaic and Magellan colorized topography map produced by the USGS Flagstaff AZ.
Once you have Google Earth open with the appropriate basemaps:
You can now view coverage files by opening them from the menu. Selecting an individual product footprint will provide a popup with details about the product and a link back to ODE.