MESSENGER RSS Maneuver Performance Data Record (MPD4)

MPD4 – PDS4 Maneuver Performance Data Record

Instrument: MESSENGER Radio Science Experiment

PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:mess-rs-rawDOI: 10.17189/tcy9-gv38

For more information about RSS MPD4 products, see the MPD File Description.

The Radio Science Subsystem (RSS) Maneuver Performance Data Record (MPD4) files are used in the maneuver design process to specify the flow rates, moment arms, and thrust magnitudes for each spacecraft thruster. These files contain header information and seven named data blocks. They are generated by the MESSENGER product when there is a propulsive event. They contain estimates of spacecraft mass and center of mass; moments of inertia; thruster locations, directions, and magnitudes; and propellant flow rate.

RSS MPD4 products have the following file names:

MESS_RS_yyyyddd_zzzzeee_MPD.TAB (with detached PDS label)



RS = Radio Science Subsystem

yyyy = the MPD data start year

ddd = the start day of year

zzzz = the stop year

eee = the stop day of year

MPD = the product type is Maneuver Performance Data file

In ODE, MPD4 products have the following product IDs:
