Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) Derived product types

Instrument:MESSENGER Mercury Laser Altimeter

PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:mess_mla_derivedDOI: 10.17189/1518575Citations of DOI: 10.17189/1518575

MESSENGER PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Status: Complete

For more information about MLA derived products, see the Product SIS.

Note: The product SIS was created for PDS3, but it is still applicable to the data after the PDS4 migration.

The MESSENGER MLA derived product collection contains MLA gridded data records and reduced data records. Code refers to the product type abbreviation used in the file name, where relevant.


Product Type


Storage Format


Geolocated Science V2

This product type consists of ranging time of flight data and ancillary information. Values have been converted into physical and engineering units.



Map V2

This product type contains a MLA-derived altimetry map with adjusted ground tracks to minimize crossover residuals.

Image Array and JPEG2000

MLA Derived GDR polar stereographic products have the following file names:


h = Target planet Mercury

ppp = product type

dem = Digital Elevation Model

dec = Digital Counts

tt = minimum latitude

d = north ā€œNā€ or south ā€œSā€ pole

rrr = resolution in m/pixel

m = meters/pixel

xxx = File extension:

img = binary image

jp2 = JPEG2000

MLA Derived RDR products have the following file names:


zzz = Product type

yy = last 2 digits of the year in which the first data record was acquired

mm = 2-digit month in which the first data record was acquired

dd = 2-digit day in which the first data record was acquired

hh = 2-digit hour corresponding to the first record in the data

nn = 2-digit minute corresponding to the first record in the data