Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) Raw product types
Instrument: LRO Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector
PDS3 Data Set ID: LRO-L-LEND-2-EDR-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520637
PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:lro_lendDOI: 10.17189/p89b-8w72
LRO PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Status: Complete
For more information about LEND RAW products, see the EDR Product SIS.
For more information about the PDS3 volume, see the LEND Archive Volume SIS.
Note: The product SIS was created for PDS3, but it is still applicable to the data after the PDS4 migration.
The LRO Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) raw product consists of uncalibrated observations from the LEND instrument.
The LEND Raw Housekeeping Data (EDRHK4) contain a time series of Neutron Detector housekeeping data. The LEND Raw Science Data (EDRSCI4) contain a time series of the raw spectral data.
A process termed “ingest” occurs on the LEND Science Operations Center computer which receives data from the LRO Mission Operator Center. The ingest process verifies the consistency of the data. The LEND Raw data product is output by software that maps the stored relational housekeeping data into the EDRHK4 product and maps the stored raw spectral data into the EDRSCI4 product.
Time series datum in the LEND Raw data product is sorted according to the value of the spacecraft clock. Time series records are tagged by spacecraft time which is the 5 MSB of the spacecraft clock, 4 bytes of seconds, and 1 byte of subsecond. The LEND Instrument contains its own internal clock. Values from this clock are also included; units are in 0.016 seconds since the last power on of the instrument.
LEND Raw products have the following file names:
LEND_EDR_HK_yyyymmdd.DAT (with detached PDS label) - for EDRHK4
LEND_EDR_SCI_yyyymmdd.DAT (with detached PDS label) - for EDRSCI4
yyyymmdd = 8-digit date specifier
In ODE, LEND Raw products have the following product IDs:
lend_edr_hk_yyyymmdd - for EDRHK4
lend_edr_sci_yyyymmdd - for EDRSCI4