LRO LEND Calibrated Data

Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) calibrated product types

Instrument: LRO Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector

PDS3 Data Set ID: LRO-L-LEND-4/5-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520636

PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:lro_lendDOI: 10.17189/p89b-8w72

LRO PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Status: Complete

For more information about LEND calibrated products, see the RDR Product SIS.

For more information about the PDS3 volume, see the LEND Archive Volume SIS.

Note: The product SIS was created for PDS3, but it is still applicable to the data after the PDS4 migration.

The LRO Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) calibrated product consists of Converted Housekeeping Data (RDRCHK4) and Rectified Science Data (RDRRSCI4).

The LEND RDRCHK4 data products contain a time-series of Neutron Detector engineering and housekeeping data that has been reduced to yield data in engineering units.

The RDRCHK4 data product is a collection of engineering readings collected from 12 temperature sensors aboard the LEND instrument. This data product reports the engineering readings in physical units of degrees Celsius. The physical units are derived from the digital number readings reported in the raw Housekeeping Data (EDRHK4). The RDRCHK4 data product is structured as a single 15-column, time-ordered data file.

The LEND RDRRSCI4 data products contain a time-series of Neutron Detector science data that includes timing and spatial information associated with the data collection interval.

The RDRRSCI4 data product is a time-series collection of neutron spectra readings collected from the 9 neutron detectors aboard the LEND instrument along with the timing and spatial information associated with each collection interval. The RDRRSCI4 data product is structured as a single 45-column, time-ordered data file for each collection day.

LEND Calibrated products have the following file names:

LEND_RDR_CHK_yyyymmdd.DAT (with detached PDS label) - for RDRCHK4

LEND_RDR_RSCI_yyyymmdd.DAT (with detached PDS label) - for RDRRSCI4


yyyymmdd = 8-digit date specifier


In ODE, LEND Calibrated products have the following product IDs:

lend_rdr_chk_yyyymmdd - for RDRCHK4

lend_rdr_rsci_yyyymmdd - for RDRRSCI4