Product Coverage KMZ Local Footprint Coverages for Mars

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The derived KMZ local footprint coverages can be downloaded for each separate PDS product, including data listed as follows. These KMZ footprint coverages can be opened directly in Google Earth by double clicking the KMZ file.

Note: *_with_time.kmz files contain time information. You can view those image footprints sequentially in Google Earth. For example, you can view Mars MRO Sharad RDR footprints (mars_mro_sharad_rdr_with_time.kmz) that occurred within a specific time period and visually follow these tracks. When you play with those files in Google Earth, there will be a time slider shown on the screen. Introduction on how to use the time slider can be found in the web

You can set options for the timeline display feature. The following figures are examples from different timeline settings for the Mars MRO Sharad RDR data.


KML files
Because many of the coverage maps are quite large, in addition to the coverage file encompassing the entire planet, ODE provides a set of 45x45 degree coverage tiles. The tiles have their upper left corner in latitude/longitude included in their file names. These tiles are generated by selecting all products with their CENTERS inside the tile. NOTE: FOOTPRINTS THAT CROSS INTO A GIVEN TILE BUT WHOSE CENTERS ARE IN THE NEIGHBORING TILES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE GIVEN TILE. Users should load the neighboring tiles when working close to a tile edge or products with large footprints.

Please review the coverage file naming convention in the ODE help.

The following folders contain ODE generated footprint coverage files grouped by mission, instrument, and product type.

 MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) mission
   CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars)
   NOTE: Many of the file names were changed on February 28th, 2014
     MRO CRISM MRDR Coverage Files
     MRO CRISM TRDR Coverage Files
     MRO CRISM DDR Coverage Files
          TRDR/DDR Subsets
          MRO CRISM TRDR/DDR FRT/HRL/HRS/FRS/ATO/ATU Center Swatch I/F Coverage Files
          MRO CRISM TRDR/DDR EPF/TOD Coverage Files
          MRO CRISM TRDR/LDR LMB Coverage Files
          MRO CRISM TRDR/DDR FFC Coverage Files
     MRO CRISM LDR Coverage Files
     MRO CRISM MTRDR Coverage Files
     MRO CRISM TER Coverage Files

   CTX (Context Camera)
     MRO CTX EDR Coverage Files

   HiRISE (High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment)
     MRO HiRISE Anaglyph Coverage Files
     MRO HiRISE DTM Coverage Files
     MRO HiRISE RDR Coverage Files
     MRO HiRISE RDRV11 Coverage Files

   RSS (Radio Science Subsystem)
     MRO RSS RSDMAP Coverage Files

   SHARAD (Shallow Radar)
     MRO SHARAD EDR Coverage Files
     MRO SHARAD RDR Coverage Files
     MRO SHARAD USRDR Coverage Files
     MRO SHARAD USGEOM Coverage Files

 MEX (Mars Express) mission
   HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera)
     HRSC DTMRDR Coverage Files
     HRSC RDR Coverage Files
     HRSC RDRV3 Coverage Files
     HRSC REFDR Coverage Files
     HRSC REFDRV3 Coverage Files

   MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionsphere Sounding)
     MEX MARSIS EDR Coverage Files
     MEX MARSIS RDRSS Coverage Files

   OMEGA (Observatoire Mineralogie, Eau, Glaces, Activite)
     MEX OMEGA EDR Coverage Files
     MEX OMEGA DDR Global Maps Coverage Files

   PFS (Planetary Fourier Spectrometer)
     MEX PFS EDR Coverage Files

 MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) mission
   MOC (Mars Orbiter Camera)
     MGS MOC-NA WA NADSDP Coverage Files
     MGS MOC-NA WA NASDP Coverage Files
     MGS MOC-NA WA WADSDP Coverage Files
     MGS MOC-NA WA WASDP Coverage Files

   MOLA (Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter)
     MGS MOLA MEGDR Coverage Files

 Mars Odyssey
   Themis (Thermal Emission Imaging System)
     Odyssey THEMIS IRBTR Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS IREDR Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS IRRDR Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS IRGEO1 Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS IRGEO2 Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS IRPBT1 Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS IRPBT2 Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS VISABR Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS VISEDR Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS VIRRDR Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS VGEO1 Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS VGEO2 Coverage Files
     Odyssey THEMIS VISALB Coverage Files

 Viking Orbiter
   Themis (Thermal Emission Imaging System)
     Visual Imaging Subsystem Camera A/B EDR Coverage Files
     Visual Imaging Subsystem Camera A/B MDIM Coverage Files
     Visual Imaging Subsystem Camera A/B DTM Coverage Files