Viking VISAB Multi-Look Color MDIMs (MDIMC)

MDIMC – Multi-look Color MDIMs

Instrument:Visual Imaging Subsystem Cameras A and B

DOI: 10.17189/1520352

For more information about VISAB MDIM products, see the Data Set Catalog File.

The Visual Imaging Subsystem Cameras A and B (VISAB) Multi-look Color Mosaicked Digital Image Models (MDIMCs) are a color cartographic extension of the Experiment Data Records (EDRs). They contain cartographic compilations made by processing the raw images to reduce radiometric and geometric distortions to form geodetically controlled images.

There are 7 volumes of MDIMCs. Each of the volumes contains MDIMCs of the areas specified at resolutions of 1/64 deg/pixel (925 m).

The contents of the 22 volumes are below (with links to the volume).

Each of the volumes 8-14 contains Multi-look Color MDIMs of the areas specified at resolutions of 1/64 deg/pixel (925m).  Each volume also contains black and white MDIM coverage of the entire planet at 1/16 deg/pixel (3.70 km).  The volumes include a digitized airbrush map of the entire planet at 1/16 deg/pixel (3.70 km) and at 1/4 deg/pixel.


Vastitas Borealis Region of Mars.  Color MDIM image files covering the entire north polar region of Mars southward from the pole to a latitude of 37.5 deg North.  Polar Stereographic projection images of the North pole area from 80 to 90 degrees are located in the POLAR directory.


Xanthe Terra Region of Mars.  Color MDIM image files covering the region of Mars from 37.5 deg North latitude to 52.5 deg South latitude and 0 deg longitude to 90 deg West longitude.


Amazonis Planitia Region of Mars.  Color MDIM image files covering the region of Mars from 37.5 deg North latitude to 52.5 deg South latitude and 90 deg West longitude to 180 deg West longitude.


Elysium Planitia Region of Mars.  Color MDIM image files covering the region of MARS from 37.5 deg North latitude to 52.5 deg South latitude and 180 deg West longitude to 270 deg West longitude.


Arabia Terra Region of Mars.  Color MDIM image files covering the region of Mars from 37.5 deg North latitude to 52.5 deg South latitude and 270 deg West longitude to 0 deg West longitude.


Planum Australe Region of Mars.  Color MDIM image files covering the entire South polar region of Mars northward from the pole to a latitude of 52.5 South latitude.  Polar Stereographic projection images of the South pole are from 80 to 90 degrees are located in the POLAR directory.


Global Mars Coverage.  Color MDIM image files stored in 8-bit color CompuServe GIF format.  Image files from volumes 8-13 stored in a compressed format in this volume.

VISAB MDIMC products have the following file names:


t = type of image file

M = Mars Digital Image Map

S = Shaded Relief Airbrush Map

E = Oblique view from East

N = Oblique view from North

W = Oblique view from West

S = Occasionally, oblique view from South

w = Resolution code for image file (in degree/pixel)

C = 1/4

E = 1/16

G = 1/64

H = combined resolution

I = 1/256

J = 1/512

K = 1/1024

aa = Central latitude value rounded down to nearest whole latitude

d = latitude direction

N = North latitude

S = South latitude

ooo = Central longitude value rounded down to nearest whole longitude

xxx = file extension

IMG = image file

RED = red filter

GRN = green filter

VIO = violet filter

SGR = synthetic green filter

In ODE, MDIMC products have the following Product IDs: